When looking for a channel to return home, it's always nice to see a red marker. Keep the red markers on your right and you're returning to a home port.
Near Everglades City there are still miles and miles of intact mangrove shoreline. Thank goodness. To the north, in Charlotte Harbor, Hurricane Charlie killed much of the mangrove in 1994. Hurricane Wilma got the mangrove further south. Enough!
Nothing special about this image. Except that it's my first-ever image shot at ISO 3200 (Nikon D90). A round of Topaz Denoise makes the image usable, I think.
The other special item is that this is post #150 for 2010. It feels good to be well ahead of schedule for one post/day.
I've been seriously interested in photography for about 5 years.
My goal for 2011 is to post 365 images, all captured within the two weeks prior to posting. When possible, I'll post daily. When Internet access is spotty (often when I'm traveling), I'll double up occasionally to achieve 365 for the year.
Hopefully, you will comment about what you feel works, and does not work in these photos. It's very helpful just to know that you have looked. Thanks. Bob