Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Lucky One(#36)

Some folks are destined for good luck,

even in the rain.


Persistent Color (#35)

Even after an ugly freeze, some color remains.


Friday, January 29, 2010

The Underside (#34)

Under the pier.

Images like these have become popular this year - I've seen several such images on various photography websites.


Familiar Territory (#33)

Back home, where the fishing pier is one of my favorite subjects.

Luckily, different weather, times of day, seasons, etc. keep it interesting for me.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Light (#32)

A windy night in Ft. Myers.

Quality of light is everything.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Arriving in Moore Haven (#31)

DeFever 49 Raised Pilothouse "AURORA" arriving in Moore Haven.

I waited until the rock pile in the foreground roughly paralleled the boat's hull.


Monday, January 25, 2010

Library (#30)

Public Library, Moore Haven, FL.

Another 30 second exposure.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

30 Seconds (#29)

The marina - a 30 second exposure.

Long exposures can be fun. The image captures subtle sources of light that the eye misses.


Leaving (#28)

Three views of a beautiful boat leaving a marina. The varying angles of light give a different mood to each view.

In the first two images, the Topaz Adjust Clarity filter helps "pop" the subject.


Friday, January 22, 2010

More Deck Hardware (#27)


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fishy Statue (#26)

Tribute to a feeding billfish.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

John Crevalle (#25)

Well, actually, Jack Crevalle. These Jacks were 2-3 feet below the surface, by a fish cleaning station in the Palm Beach area.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Strange Cloud Formation (#24)

Looks sort of like a pebble fell into a puddle.

I think that the pink reflected sunlight in the center is lower than the surrounding blue-gray clouds.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Man's best friend (#23)


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Deck Hardware (#22)


...the photographers friend.


Me and My Shadow (#21)


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Under the Bridge 5PM 7PM


Friday, January 15, 2010

Us (#19)

This is our boat at a marina in Stuart.

The lighting is so much more interesting at night. Several weak light sources compete for exposure, as opposed to one huge source - the sun.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bridge (#18)

Not much else to say.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tupperware Boats (#17)

Older boat builders were used to working with wood earlier in their careers. They decry the emergence of Fiberglas as the prime construction material, and call the products "Tupperware" boats.

Well, most of us cannot maintain wooden boats, especially in subtropical climates. Our boats are easily recognized as Fiberglas by the compound curves that are unachievable with wood. But a few boats have classic lines that make construction material difficult to identify from a distance. Here's one:

It is Fiberglas.


Fleet's In (#16)

The sportfishing fleet is in.

It's 31 degrees - of course the fleet is in!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sunrise Over the Mountains (#15)

Mountains? This is looking toward Sewell's Point, near Stuart, FL. The "mountains" are masses of sea fog over the Atlantic. Twenty eight degree temperatures must be playing a part.


Intergalactic Yacht Brokers (#14)

Well, not quite Intergalactic, but International. In Ft. Myers? To compete in a Global Economy, the employees must be multilingual to appease global clients. So, employees of this establishment apparently can converse with clients from Spain, Latin America, Russia, and...



Sunday, January 10, 2010

Highway 1 Bridge (#13)

Stuart, FL


Gullible Birds (#12)

For some unknown reason, whenever we cross Lake Okeechobee by boat (how else?), dozens of sea gulls follow in our wake. An onlooler would assume that we are either cleaning fish, or throwing garbage overboard. Neither is true. Only He knows why gulls behave like this.

Fred, eat your heart out!


The (Frozen) Tiki Bar (#11)

Fresh water fishermen are familiar with the name Roland Martin. As a well known, successful guide on Lake Okeechobee, he built a fish camp in Clewiston, FL. The proximity is adjacent to the Okeechobee Waterway, so he configured some docks to cater to passing cruising boats. I think (but I am not positive) that the property now belongs to Mrs. Martin. These things happen.

Anyway, Roland Martin's Marina has a well used Tiki Bar that stays open in near freezing conditions. The first photo was at sunset, and the second two hours later.

Both were shot hand-held, the first at ISO 800 and the second at, 1600. Both were at 85mm, f1.8. Sure, there's some noise, although Topaz Denoise helped. A tripod is a cruel joke when shooting from a boat - even under calm conditions.


Friday, January 8, 2010

Uh Oh (#10)

I'm glad that I don't live in this Ft. Myers condominium.

I'm afraid that God has it earmarked for something bad.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

AM Reflections (#9)

Got these shots leaving Venice Yacht Club just after dawn.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pathetic (#8)

This is the South Jetty parking lot. Venice Inlet is 50 yards away, and the Gulf of Mexico is 100 yards away.

And this guy calls himself a SEA Gull?


Life at the Tiki Bar (#7)

This was taken along with the image in the previous post. In other words, it was cold. Tiki Bar or no Tiki Bar, these folks want to pretend that it's tropical feeling.

I'll be traveling with intermittent Internet access, so time to double up on posts. If I hit #365 by Thanksgiving, I'll be able to take December off! Not likely.


Wanting It Bad (#6)

Florida or not, it's COLD! Couples who watch the sunset on the beach have to really want to see a Florida sunset.

Their bodies pay the price (of course, the photographer's does too).


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

And It's Not Even Miami (#5)

I like the way that morning light is hitting these rather ordinary pine trees. The moon was a bonus.


It was really there - I didn't "add" it. With the 85mm prime lens, I had to get the relationship between the trees and moon the old fashioned way - walk.

The blog layout is goofy today. The Blogspot upload engine is taking the day off.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Soft Leaves (#4)

These Pitch Apple leaves make a decent abstract.

Somehow, the B&W version makes the leaves look softer to me.


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Portrait Practice (#3)

If you are going to practice portrait photography on Teddy Bears, it pays to have a handsome model.


More 85mm Practice (#2)

It ain't no macro lens. but it will do in a pinch.

Anyway, I like the light. The bokeh is pretty good, although not as good as the Micro Nikkor 105mm f2.8.


Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Toy (#1 post for 2010)

My post Christmas present to myself was a Nikkor 85mm f1.8. Fast is good. It's supposed to be a good portrait lens. Let's see...

Yup, that works. These were only slightly cropped, so the "model" was pretty close. In the second image, the f1.8 aperture results in a sharp eye, but slightly soft bill. Gotta be careful here.
