Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Peace and Quiet

Last Sunday, Dimage scheduled a Photowalk to begin at O'Leary's (Island Park) in Sarasota. I drove up, but could not find a place to park. The Marina Jack parking lot was packed and cars were circling, cutting each off, giving the finger, etc. A motorcycle cut in front of me, and in doing so hit a sandy area, and fell over. Both rider and crying passenger seemed basically OK. But is this nonsence what photography is about?

I never got out of the car, but drove straight home. At sunset, I went to Venice Beach, parked like a reasonable human being, and enjoyed 45 minutes of peace and beautiful scenery. Sunsets, wildlife, chasing birds - this is meaningful recreation. Got to keep this stuff in perspective.





What could be better? Life is good.



Blogger Fred said...

It always comes back to the serenity of Venice where life is fun.

February 12, 2009 at 12:14 AM  

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